Category: Faith

“Did Christ Die for Me?”

The glory of the cross is not that people get to escape hell and enjoy eternal comfort. The glory of the cross is that God saves. Salvation is about God before it is about us.

Where God Dwells: Understanding Temple (Part 3)

Redemptive history progresses with a series of “false peaks,” showing partial fulfillment of the expectation of restored sanctuary but never complete and always fleeting. Is the vision of temple dwindling? Or is it perhaps focusing?

The Prince of Peace: An Advent Reflection

After enduring the anxiety of death and all the chaos of hell, Jesus rose as the King of kings, the crowned Prince of heaven who was victorious over all his enemies. And the first words this champion king spoke to his fearful disciples was “Peace be with you.”  

Where God Dwells: Understanding Temple (Part 2)

The whole world was created to be a temple, and in the center of his temple God places his own image: humanity. Man and woman were meant to be the image of God in the world—not lifeless idols made of stone reflecting dead pagan gods, but living breathing humans reflecting the living God.

Yahweh and Asherah in the Hebrew Bible

In humanity’s attempt to bend the world and the divine power to their own will through talismans, vows, and magic, they end up subjecting themselves to masters of their own creation which have no power to serve them, much less save them. 

Are Christians Really Happy?

Are Christians delusionally optimistic or toxically positive in the face of suffering? Is religion just a sad excuse for a crutch in the face of our crushing circumstances? I would say: absolutely not! Christianity avoids both delusional optimism and toxic positivity, and our text this morning shows us how.